I must say of the Winter races, Knoxicross 1 & 2 and Cross a nooga had to be the most fun.

Cross a nooga was a course that really suited me, and had I not got lazy after MSG, and continued to train, I might have had a good result! Both days the course was mostly flat, technical, with mud and sand, and very well marked. Even though I sucked, it was great fun. Had a blast Saturday night with everyone at Stinky Fingers.
'Cross-a-Nooga! from Craig Walker on Vimeo
Suffering form the usual past CX lack of motivation. Don't really care to ride on the road much anymore except to train with other people, so I decided to give mountain biking another try. Sold my GT Avalanche a year ago because it hadn't been ridden in two years. I usually rode my CX bike on the trails around here, but it occurred to me that if I still had my MTB I could at least add some MTB races to the TT's I'm planning on doing this year.
Sometimes it pays to be in the right place at the right time: I was poking around Hampton Trails Bike Shop a month or so ago looking for a beater MTB frame (not going to put a lot into one) and found a great deal on a mid range Jamis circa 2000. Brian only wanted $100.00 for the frame, fork, headset, seat post and wheels! Already had a group of SRAM 9.0 gripshift on a downhill bike that a friend had given me to sell (still got the frame, fork, headset, wheels, seatpost if you're interested) so I was there. Add to that one of my oldest and best friends showing up at the shop and putting down the $100.00 as I was hum hawing around about it. So, essentially I got another MTB for the cost of cables and housings. What's funny is it rides better than any of the three before it especially the GT Avalanche I bought new in 2001! I've really enjoyed riding it and look forward to doing some MTB racing from the rear of the Cat 3's
I guess this it for a while, so much to do. Cheif Refing three collegiate races in a row starting April 4th, never been responsible for the whole shebang before, a little nervous. Also, in April is the start of the Asheville TT series and then MTB racing starting in May. Add to that my duties in the bike club, TBRA, organizing MSG and work (still barely have a job) and I don't have time to breath. Of course no one is making me do all this, don't know what I would do if I weren't busy. Well, I hope to enjoy my transition from the grass to the dirt. Wish me luck!